Providing farmers and agricultural researchers with the equipment and knowledge needed to understand quality traits in their crops.

Arthur Ag Consulting is the exclusive distributor of GrainSense products in the US


Arthur Ag Consulting is the exclusive distributor of GrainSense products in the US //

Instrument Manufacturers

Arthur Ag Consulting is an authorized provider of NIR (Near-Infrared) technology that supports farmers, elevators and researchers within the American agricultural industry.

Perten Instruments

Over 60 years of global expertise in empowering food market players with internationally recognized, easy-to-use, fast, and accurate testing solutions, improving quality, efficiency, and profitability.


Nordic innovation transformed traditional, bulky Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy equipment into convenient formats to support instant grain quality tracking with high precision.

About Arthur Ag Consulting

Founded to work hand-in-hand with farmers and agricultural researchers to implement state-of-the-art NIR technology. Our mission is to better understand the quality of your crops while improving yields and operational efficiency.

Arthur Killam

Owner & Lead Sales Rep

Arthur has worked in the agriculture industry for 30 years, serving much of that time with the University of Minnesota Soybean Research Project as a Research Plot Coordinator. He oversaw the coordination between multiple universities, collected crop samples for testing applications, prepared data summaries, reports, and analyses to document research findings and results while also managing the workflow of both staff and students.

Kathleen Trivette

Senior Account Manager

With nearly 20 years of experience in the agriculture industry, Kathleen has spent much of her career in Quality Assurance, R&D, and New Product Development within the grain sector. In June 2024, Kathleen left Perten to launch Graincentric, a company focused on grain-centered solutions. Through Graincentric, Kathleen offers a range of services, including instrumentation solutions, tech support, lab flow assistance, and consultations for project formulas and end products. She also collaborates with Arthur Ag Consulting, bringing her expertise to a broader range of clients in the grain industry.

Contact Us

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